News Item
Goodhue County to establish Treatment Court after being awarded federal grant

Posted: Thursday, September 27, 2018

Goodhue County has been awarded a federal grant in support of the Goodhue County Adult Treatment Court. The county applied for funding from the United States Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Assistance Grant in June of 2018. The Adult Drug Court Discretionary Grant, in the amount of $499,469 covering 2019 – 2022, will allow the county to establish the Goodhue County Adult Treatment Court and serve individuals who have a substance abuse disorder. In addition, the grant will fund the following:
  • Full-time drug court coordinator
  • Intensive Outpatient Treatment
  • Frequent drug testing
“This is fantastic news for Goodhue County. The Goodhue County Treatment Court will have a positive impact on public safety at the same time as it offers a real, helping hand to our community members struggling with addiction. Receiving this federal grant was the result of a huge team effort. We also have wide-spread community support for a treatment court.  I look forward to getting the Goodhue County Treatment Court up and running,” said Judge Douglas Bayley.
The Goodhue County Adult Treatment Court will become the 62nd operational Adult Drug Treatment Court in the State of Minnesota. Drug treatment courts serve as treatment-based alternatives to prison. These courts make extensive use of comprehensive supervision, frequent drug testing, treatment services, immediate sanctions, and incentives. The Drug Treatment Court team that works directly with the participants includes judges, prosecutors, defense counsel, substance-abuse treatment specialists, probation officers, law enforcement, and the drug court coordinator.