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Parent Education

When parents dispute custody or parenting time (visitation) in court, Minn. Stat. § 518.157 requires that the parents attend a parenting education class. Depending on the circumstances, the judge may also order that the children attend a class.

Starting August 1, 2021, unless otherwise ordered, participation in a parent education course must begin within 30 days of the first filing in the case and prior to an Initial Case Management Conference, if one is scheduled.

The District Courts listed below describe approved parenting education classes on their websites:
  For other courts, please contact your Court Administration to learn about approved classes.
New Parent Education Courses are reviewed and approved first through the State Court Administrator's Office (SCAO) and then approved for local acceptance in each of the judicial districts or counties.

In-person, online, and virtual courses must meet the requirements of the Minnesota Supreme Court's Minimum Standards.

Please contact the SCAO Parent Education Course Approval Coordinator for information on how to submit your course for approval.