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Judge Geoffrey W. Tenney


Appointed Dec. 31, 2008, by Governor Tim Pawlenty. Elected in 2010, 2016, and 2022. Term expires Jan. 2029.


University of North Dakota School of Law in Grand Forks, J.D., 1996

St. John’s University in Collegeville, B.A., 1993


Self-employed attorney in Buffalo (1998-2008)

Buffalo city prosecutor (2005-2008)

Part-time Tenth Judicial District assistant Public Defender (1999-2004)

Tribal prosecutor, Spirit Lake Tribe in Fort Totten, North Dakota (1996-1998)

Interim Tribal prosecutor, Standing Rock Sioux Tribe in Fort Yates, North Dakota (1996-1998)

Law clerk to First Judicial District Judge Thomas G. McCarthy in Sibley County (1996)

Professional Memberships:

Former member, Minnesota State Bar Association, and the

Former president, 18th District Bar Association

Professional and Community Activities:

Volunteer firefighter, Buffalo Fire Department