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Clearwater County Courthouse History

The first Clearwater County Courthouse stood on the same site as the current courthouse.  The site was acquired in 1903 when the county was established.  The original courthouse was a two-story, 40 by 80 foot frame building.  A small square tower with a witch's cap rose on one corner above the single gable of the roof.

The current courthouse, pictured above during construction in 1938, is an example of the PWA Moderne style partly financed by the federal government across the country in the 1930s.  Foss and Company of Fargo, N.D. designed the building, which was built by Hendenburg and Company at a cost of $92,606.

The three-story building is 60 by 100 feet.  Original face brick was mortared over to give the building a smooth white surface.  Symmetrically arranged windows and a central doorway are trimmed in green.  The entrance is also defined by large glass windows and sidelights that rise two stories.  Inside, the building has plastered walls while the courtroom is finished in mahogany veneer.

Historical information adapted from "The First 100 Years... The Minnesota State Bar Association."

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