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News Item
Judicial Branch goes to the Minnesota State Fair

Posted: Thursday, August 23, 2018


The Minnesota Judicial Branch has joined the 2018 Great Minnesota Get-Together. The Judicial Branch booth, number 61, is located in the southeast corner of the Education Building on Cosgrove Street. Judicial officers and Judicial Branch staff will be on-hand each day to connect with the public and provide information about Minnesota’s court system. 
Visitors can pick up an informational magnet, a hand fan, or a gavel-shaped pencil at the booth. The booth will also feature three interactive opportunities for Fairgoers: an iPad to help visitors find forms or information they may need, a judicial district map where visitors can place a sticker and learn what district they live in, and a selfie-station where visitors will be able to get a photo of themselves robed as a judge.
“This is an exciting and informal opportunity for Minnesotans to meet the people ‘behind the robe’ and learn about our state court system,” Minnesota Chief Justice Lorie S. Gildea said. “We look forward to meeting and talking with Fairgoers at the Judicial Branch booth.”
District court judges, Court of Appeals judges, Supreme Court justices, and Minnesota Judicial Branch staff
The first-ever Minnesota Judicial Branch State Fair booth
Minnesota State Fair Education Building on Cosgrove Street, booth number 61 in the southeast corner
1321-1353 Snelling Ave N, Falcon Heights, MN 55108
Follow @mncourts on Instagram for updates from the booth
9 a.m.-9 p.m. Thursday, August 23 through Monday, September 3