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News Item
Minnesota Supreme Court to Hold Oral Arguments at Montevideo High School

Posted: Wednesday, September 13, 2023

The Minnesota Supreme Court will hear oral arguments at Montevideo High School at 10 a.m., Wednesday, Oct. 11, as part of a longstanding outreach program that teaches students about Minnesota’s judicial system.
The Court will hear arguments in Minnesota v. Anthony James Trifiletti, after which the justices will answer student questions. In the afternoon, justices will have lunch with student representatives and visit classrooms for one-on-one education sessions. Students from Yellow Medicine East, Lac qui Parle Valley, Dawson-Boyd, and MACCRAY High Schools will join Montevideo High School for the event.
“The Supreme Court Traveling Oral Arguments program not only gives young people an up-close-and-personal look at our judicial system, it also allows them to ask us questions about it,” said Justice Natalie Hudson, who will become the Court’s Chief Justice on Oct. 2. “The students aren’t the only ones who enjoy this—we love meeting with them and helping them learn about Minnesota’s judicial system.”
As part of the visit, the Supreme Court will join local judges and the community in a dinner at the Montevideo Armory Training and Community Center at 6 p.m. on Tuesday, Oct. 10. The dinner is open to the public and will feature remarks by the justices and food prepared by local restauranteur, Trish’s Katering. Tickets can be purchased online for $15 through Noon on Oct. 3. Tickets will not be available at the door.
“The community dinner is a great way for people to meet Supreme Court justices in a relaxed atmosphere,” Hudson said. “The dinner is open to the public, so we encourage people to join us and learn more about our state’s highest court.”
The Minnesota Supreme Court Traveling Oral Arguments program began in 1995 to educate students and build public trust, confidence, and understanding of the judiciary. The Court travels to two high schools in Minnesota each year: one in the spring and one in the fall. The fall visit includes a community dinner. The Montevideo event marks the 53rd traveling oral arguments event for the Court.