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News Item
Court of Appeals to Hear Oral Arguments in Duluth and Rochester on Thursday, Sept. 14

Posted: Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Three-judge panels of the Minnesota Court of Appeals will hear oral arguments in both Duluth and Rochester on Thursday, Sept. 14. The proceedings are open to the public.

The Duluth oral arguments will begin at 10 a.m. in the County Board Room of the St. Louis County Courthouse, 100 N 5th Ave West.

The Rochester oral arguments will begin at 9:30 a.m. in Courtroom 5C of the Olmstead County Government Center, 151 4th St SE.

The Court of Appeals regularly hears oral arguments in communities across Minnesota to ensure access to justice.

More information about Minnesota’s Court of Appeals, including a guide to oral arguments, can be found on the Court of Appeals webpage. A complete Court of Appeals calendar, including for the Sept. 14 oral arguments, can be downloaded in the Calendar section.