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Public Notice Detail
Standing Order Regarding Paper Copies of Briefs

Posted: Wednesday, January 31, 2024

By order filed March 20, 2020, the Court of Appeals temporarily suspended the requirement to file paper copies of briefs. See Order Temporarily Suspending Filing of Paper Copies During Statewide Peacetime Declaration of Emergency, No. ADM10-8010 (Minn. App. Filed Mar. 20, 2020). This order makes permanent the suspension of the requirement to file paper copies of briefs.  This order supersedes both the March 20, 2020 order and the July 11, 2019 Standing Order Regarding Paper Copies of Briefs to be Filed in the Minnesota Court of Appeals Pursuant to Rule 131.03, Minnesota Rules of Civil Appellate Procedure, No. ADM10-8010 (Minn. App.).

Read the new order