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Chief Judge Susan Segal

Minnesota Judicial Center
Court of Appeals
(651) 297-7650

Chief Judge Susan Segal


Appointed Chief Judge of the Court of Appeals by Governor Tim Walz on May 1, 2020.

Appointed by Governor Tim Walz on Nov. 26, 2019. Elected in 2022. Current term expires Jan. 2029. 


J.D., cum laude, University of Michigan Law School
B.A., University of California – Berkeley 

Past Employment:

Minneapolis City Attorney
Deputy and Senior Attorney; Hennepin County Attorney’s Office
Susan Segal PLLC
Partner; Gray, Plant, Mooty, Mooty & Bennett, P.A.

Honors and Professional Activities:

Minnesota Women Lawyers - Myra Bradwell Award
2013 Attorney of the Year - Minnesota Lawyer
The Link - Safe Harbor Champion 2015
Minnesota Judicial Council
Fellow of the American Bar Foundation
Former board member; International Municipal Lawyers Association
Former adjunct faculty member, University of Minnesota Law School