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Judge Terry Vajgrt


Appointed by Governor Mark Dayton on Feb. 15, 2012. Elected in 2014 and 2020. Current term expires Jan. 2027.


J.D., University of Minnesota Law School, 1989

B.A., University of Minnesota, 1986


Assistant Public Defender, State of Minnesota

Private practice focusing on criminal defense work and contracts with Rock, Pipestone and Nobles counties to represent parents in child protection cases and respondents in adult civil commitment matters.

Partner, law firm of Klosterbuer and Vajgrt

Assistant Rock County Attorney

Assistant City Attorney, Luverne

Adjunct professor, criminal law, Colorado Technical University  

Professional and Community Activities:

Member, Southwestern Mental Health Center Board of Directors

Chair, Nobles-Rock Community Corrections Advisory Board

Rock County Big Buddies Program

Former president, Luverne Community Health Care Foundation