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McLeod County District Court Telephone Numbers

Court Administrator: 
Karen V. Messner  (320) 864-1285

Main Number: (320) 864-1281 or (320) 864-1513
Fax Number: (320) 864-5905

Court Divisions

Files are divided by Respondent/Defendant Last Name

Last Name:
A-E   (320) 864-1545
F-O   (320) 864-1280
P-Z   (320) 864-1539
Family/Child Support: 
Last Name:
A-E   (320) 864-1545
F-O   (320) 864-1280
P-Z   (320) 864-1539
Estates:  (320) 864-1278

Last Name:
A-K  (320) 864-1539
L-Z   (320) 864- 1278

Last Name:
A-K  (320) 864-1545
L-Z   (320) 864-1278
Child Protection/Adoptions:
Mothers Last Name:
A-K  (320) 864-1760
L-Z   (320) 864-1278

Last Name:
A-K  (320) 864-1760
L-Z   (320) 864-1278

Last Name:
A-L  (320) 864-1282
M-Z (320) 864-1283

Last Name:
A-L  (320) 864-1760
M-Z (320) 864-1761

Fines  MN Court Payment Center: (651) 281-3219 or (800) 657-3611
Jury Duty  
Jury Manager: (320) 864-1278; (320) 864-1545; (320) 864-1280
Jury Message Line: (320) 864-1279
Collections/Screener: (320) 864-1761
Scheduling (Depositions/ITV room): (320) 864-1389