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CourtXML Simple Types

The Minnesota Court Information System (MNCIS), the trial courts' case management system, records court data in a highly codified format. The extensive use of coded data provides a standard means of recording and describing court transactions and outcomes.

The direct consequence of the heavily codified nature of court data requires those engaging in electronic transactions with Minnesota's trial courts communicate to the courts using the appropriate codes and phrases. To facilitate this a set of XML schema simple types are used to list the appropriate codes and phrases used to communicate and record data. These values are extracted from MNCIS and reflect the current values used by court staff ensuring that what you file electronically will appear and be recorded the same as documents filed manually.

These files are provided in 3 different formats. The first format (named chameleon format) does not specify a namespace or target namespace. These files, when imported into another schema, take on the namespace of the importing schema. Because of this these files can be used with any version of CourtXML. Not all xml tools are able to use "chameleon" schemas so a second format is provided that does specify a namespace and target namespace. Both of these sets of files are the same, other than the namespace declarations, and either can be used depending on your tools requirements. A 3rd set is provided that specifies the namespace (similar to the 2nd set) but doesn't contain any enumeration values. You may choose to use this set if your development tool has problems with loading the large numbers of enumeration values contained in the other 2 sets of simple types, or if the fact that the enumeration values can change over time causes issues with how you are doing development. The only changes that should happen to this 3rd set is that new simple types could be added, or changes could be made to their annotations.

These files are updated when configuration changes are made to MNCIS. After your initial download you may want to subscribe to the RSS feed for the set of simple type files that you are using by clicking on the associated XML/RSS link.

All simple type schema files - chameleon format RSS Feed

All simple type schema files - namespace version 3 format RSS Feed

All simple type schema files - namespace version 3 format without enumerations RSS Feed
These files are xml documents that are each paired with a simple type schema file and contain the enumeration values from that schema and associated code, description, effective date and obsolete date. Some contain additional values that may be useful when using a SimpleType schema. These files are intended to be more programatically useful than the simple type schema files for applications that are performing functions such as providing options to users that match the values in the simple types.

Some simple type schemas contain values that are specific to only one court or a subset of courts. For these simple type schemas the associated companion file contain an an additional value (type=CourtJurisdictionORI) that provides the ORI for the court that the value applies to. This value can be used to restrict the choices to only those that apply to the court that is either the source or destination of a message. Some examples of simple types that contain this attribute are: CourtCalendarNameTextType, CommunityOfOffenseTextType, HearingLocationTextType and HearingSessionTypeTextType.

These files are updated when configuration changes are made to MNCIS. After your initial download you may want to subscribe to the RSS feed for thes files that by clicking on the associated XML/RSS link.

All simple type schema companion files RSS Feed