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Court Interpreter Communications Archive

Court Interpreter Communication Archive Detail
COVID-19 Update for Court Interpreters

Posted: Thursday, March 19, 2020

This message is being sent to all court interpreters on the state roster, those who work regularly for the district courts and interpreter agencies, or those who are active on the existing Minnesota Judicial Branch interpreter database.
COVID-19 Update for Court Interpreters
On March 13, 2020, Chief Justice Lorie Gildea issued Supreme Court Order #ADM20-8001 providing for the continued operations of the Minnesota Judicial Branch under the State of Emergency declared on March 13, 2020 by Governor Tim Walz.  The Order established a list of case priorities to identify, assign, schedule, and proceed with cases. High and Super High priority cases will take place as usual. Medium and Low priority cases will be rescheduled.  
Cancelled Hearings
If a hearing is cancelled due to the Supreme Court Order and you are confirmed as the interpreter for that hearing, the cancellation information will be sent to you through IRMA. If you have a scheduled court interpreting assignment and have NOT received an email notice from IRMA and/or see a change in the status of that assignment on your calendar in IRMA, then the hearing will be held.
High Priority Hearings and Trials
High priority hearings and trials will take place as usual.  For hearings that will take place, Courts will use social distancing and/or remote technology to help keep everyone safe.  Please understand that you might be asked to interpret for a hearing remotely; by telephone for spoken languages. The Scheduling Specialist will contact you directly if there are any special instructions for an assignment.  
If you are interpreting in a courtroom, use the simultaneous interpreting equipment that is provided. With this equipment, you can maintain a safe distance from everyone in the courtroom and still perform your interpreting duties.  If court staff does not give you the equipment, be sure and ask for it. Use disinfecting wipes available at the courthouse and wipe down all parts of the equipment before and after use.  
Your health and well-being is important to the Minnesota Judicial Branch. If you are at elevated risk of transmitting coronavirus or are experiencing symptoms that could be associated with COVID-19, please stay home. And please contact the Scheduling Specialist or the Interpreter Program office by email or phone (651) 297-3500 as soon as possible if you need to cancel an assignment.
More information on the Minnesota Judicial Branch’s response to the COVID-19 Pandemic please visit and subscribe to mncourts.gov/emergency.
Thank you for your continued service with the Minnesota Judicial Branch during this difficult time.
Polly Ryan
Program Coordinator
Court Interpreter Program, Language Access Services
Court Services Division
State Court Administrator's Office
Minnesota Judicial Center
25 Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd.
St. Paul, MN 55155
Phone: (651) 215-9468