Psychological Services Communication Archive Detail
Examiner Announcements & Qualifications

Posted: Friday, May 29, 2020

A sincere “Thank You” to examiners and institutions who provided their forensic examination services to the Minnesota Judicial Branch over the past year in very challenging circumstances. As this important work continues, please note the following program announcements and reminders as we move forward into a new fiscal year.
  1. Last Day to Submit Invoices is Old Invoicing System
    Today is the last day to submit invoices in the old Psych Services Invoicing System. Any expenses for court-ordered examinations issued prior to March 16, 2020, should be billed in the old invoicing system. If examiners or institutions are not able to complete invoicing in the old system by this deadline because of delayed cases in response to COVID-19, please contact me as soon as possible along with the case number(s) in which the exam was ordered.
  2. FY21 Affidavit of Examiner Roster Qualification
    Attached is the FY21 Affidavit of Examiner Roster Qualification. This year, examiners can upload their notarized affidavits directly in ERA. Examiners should not email or mail their affidavits to the Psych Examiner Services Program. To avoid a lapse in being listed on the Roster of Examiners (Roster), examiners should submit their affidavits prior to June 30, 2020. Instructions for uploading affidavit documents into the ERA Qualifications tab are available in QRG – Managing Profile Information for Examiners.
  3. Case and Exam Extensions Due to COVID-19
Cases that have been delayed due to the Minnesota Judicial Branch’s response to the COVID-19 virus outbreak, may impact an examiner’s or institution’s ability to submit invoices for work with 60 days as provided in SCA Policy 510(a) – Psychological/Psychiatric Examiner Services Payment Policy. As a result, work requests may be flagged as “Past Due” if the work request is not closed or expenses are not entered within 60 days after it is assigned to the examiner or institution. Past due work requests are indicated by a red clock icon and will be locked from receiving further assignments if not resolved within 30 days.
In situations where a case has been delayed in response to COVID-19, ERA Coordinators will be listing and Examiner Report Due Date of “1/1/2100”. These work requests will remain in the examiner’s or institution’s work request queue, without locking the examiner or institution’s account, until expenses can be submitted or the work request closed. Examiners and institutions can work directly with the ERA Coordinator if a work request is impacted by this COVID response.
  1. Updating Exam and Locations Tab
Please review the “Exam Types & Rates” tab in your examiner or institution profile to ensure it is up-to-date with the appropriate exam type and location information.
  1. Requests to Exceed SDP/SPP Maximum Amount
Request Forms to Exceed the $5,000 Maximum Fee in SDP/SPP cases can be emailed to the ERA Coordinator in the judicial district in which the case is located. Requests should not be submitted through eFS.
Feel free to contact me with any questions.
Be well,
Lisa Jore
Psych Examiner Services Coordinator
State Court Administrator’s Office