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Psychological Services Communication Archive Detail
Updated Rule 20 Examiner Report Templates Published

Posted: Tuesday, January 17, 2023

This is just a quick note to let you know that the Examiner Report Templates were recently updated on the “Policies, Resources and Report Templates” tab on the Psychological/Psychiatric Examiner Services Program page. The update relates only to a certificate that works behind the scenes with the server when using the “Prepare for eFile” button on the form. If you have a copy of CRM1304 – Forensic Examination Template Rule 20.01 or CRM1305 – Forensic Examination Template Rule 20.02 saved to your local computer, please be sure to update with the newer version on the website. Just a reminder, the fillable smart forms cannot be opened up within the browser which is why you can open it as an attachment, but not from the website. The Court Forms Information Help Topic covers how to change your default settings in your browsers to open in Adobe instead; please review Court Forms Information FAQ #5 for guidance. If you use the templates directly from the website, then there is nothing for you to do.
If you have questions, please feel free to reach out via the Psych Examiner Services email.
Thank you kindly,
Tanya Wenning
Psychological/Psychiatric Services Program Coordinator