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Call to Action for Lawyer Well-Being

Event Agenda

Renewing the Call to Action on Well-Being: The World Has Changed

The United States District Court, District of Minnesota and the Minnesota Supreme Court hosted a renewed Call to Action for lawyer well-being on June 29, 2022, in Minneapolis.

During the program, Chief Judge John Tunheim and Chief Justice Lorie Gildea reviewed the results of the February 2019 Call to Action, analyzed the challenges to the federal and state judicial systems over the last two years, discussed the importance of the judicial role in preventing, recognizing, and mitigating lawyer stress and illness, and shared their perspectives on the importance of well-being in the legal profession.  Patrick Krill, a global leading authority on addiction, mental health, and well-being issues in the legal profession, delivered a thought-provoking discussion of where we currently stand on the road to well-being in the law, drawing upon recently-published and forthcoming research that illustrates our current challenges and opportunities for improvement. Mr. Krill synthesized the actionable data from his recent studies with his practical experiences helping large law firms navigate the stresses of the pandemic in order to inform this useful conversation. Updates from private law firms, in-house counsel, the law schools, and public attorneys were also received, to review and discuss the efforts that have been made to promote well-being over the past three years in their organizations.

The video recordings below were made possible by a grant from the Minnesota Supreme Court Historical Society.

Video: Welcome and Introductions: Justice Natalie Hudson and Judge Donovan Frank (00:06:16)

Video: The Judiciary – Embracing Lawyer Well-Being: Chief Justice Lorie Skjerven Gildea and Chief Judge John Tunheim (00:22:10)

Video: Update on Lawyer Well-Being – The Last 3 Years and New Research: Introduction by Joan Bibelhausen; Patrick Krill (00:33:56)

Video: Best Practices – A Private Law Panel: Moderated by Former Justice David Lillehaug; Ivan Fong; Jessica Klander; and Lowell Noteboom (00:30:12)

Video: Starting Right – Law Student and New Attorney Well-Being: Moderated by Paul Peterson; Lisa Montepetit Brabbit; Erin Keyes; Lynn LeMoine; Racey Rodne; and Chase Webber (00:30:00)

Video: Best Practices – A Public Law Panel: Moderated by Justice Natalie Hudson; Katherian Roe; Keith Ellison; and Peter Ivy (00:33:16)

Video: Best Practices – The Chiefs’ Award: Chief Judge John Tunheim and Chief Justice Lorie Skjerven Gildea (00:07:18)

Well-Being Research and Resources


2019 Program Videos

Video: 2019 Call to Action for Lawyer Well-Being: Chief Justice Lorie S. Gildea & Patrick Krill 

Video: 2019 Call to Action for Lawyer Well-Being: Justice David L. Lillehaug & Anne Brafford