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Parenting Education Classes Eighth District Parent Education Required in Contested Custody or Parenting Time Cases: Pursuant to  Minn. Stat. § 518.157  enacted in 1998, parents involved in contested custody or parenting time cases, regardless of whether a marriage rela... 7/26/2019 9:02:01 AM
Fifth Judicial District Parent Education Classes Fifth Judicial District includes these counties: Blue Earth County, Brown County, Cottonwood County, Faribault County, Jackson County, Lincoln County, Lyon County, Martin County, Murray County, Nicollet County, Nobles County, ... 5/12/2015 3:35:35 PM 10/7/2019 2:27:58 PM 8/30/2021 4:03:51 PM 8/30/2021 3:50:08 PM 8/30/2021 3:49:35 PM
CHIPS actions are court cases that involve the health, safety and welfare of children. Children can be considered CHIPS because they are abused or neglected, truant, runaway, or otherwise need protection or services. Cases are brought to protect children and to deliver service... 6/22/2015 9:36:41 PM 10/14/2022 1:09:55 PM
Special Master Filings Filings for Hearings Before Special Master Kathleen Blatz Return to Main Page Document Name Date Filed Pages Minnesota Zoo Petition 6/30/2011 6 Minnesota Zoo Proposed Order 6/30/2011 2 Petition of Minnesota Hospital Associat... 5/18/2017 3:36:06 PM 12/8/2021 1:37:17 PM
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