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Filings and Hearings Regarding Minnesota State Government Operations July 1, 2011

Supreme Court Case

Special Master Hearings

The Minnesota budget has been enacted and signed by the Governor. This action has deemed the scheduling and holding of hearings before the Special Master as moot per the Court's Order from 6/29/2011.

Cases Before Second Judicial District (Ramsey County) Chief Judge Kathleen Gearin

Case Name Case Number Description
In re Temporary Funding of Core Functions of the Executive Branch of the State of Minnesota 62-CV-11-5203 Documents filed in support of and in opposition to petition to fund Executive Branch
Special Master Filings 62-CV-11-5203 Documents filed for Special Master Hearings
Canterbury Park Petition 70-CV-11-13433 Order Issued
MN Harness Racing Petition 02-CV-11-4462 Order Issued
Supreme Court Case Assignment A11-1170 Order Assigning Cases to Judge Kathleen Gearin
In Re Temporary Funding of Core Functions of the Judicial Branch of the State of Minnesota 62-CV-11-5361 Documents filed in support of and in opposition to petition to fund Judicial Branch
Whitefish Creek Enterprises, Inc.; Erickson Timber Products, Inc; Erickson Herefords, Inc.; V Commisioner Landwehr 36-CV-11-471 Case assigned by A11-1170

Updated 7-22-2011