
This page enables advanced search within texts published on the website. To search for a given phrase, enter the phrase into the Search for field, choose how the phrase should be searched from the Search mode drop-down list and click Search. 8/14/2018 4:37:52 PM
Rice County Court Administration Phone Numbers Main Phone:  (507) 497-7134 Fax:  (507) 332-6199 Traffic Fees/Information:  (800) 657-3611   Phone Numbers for Other Rice County Agencies Community Corrections: (507) 332-6106 County Attorney: (507) 332-6103 Sheriff:... 2/20/2015 1:42:26 PM 9/24/2021 10:22:44 AM
Forms -- Temporary Orders Once a divorce has been filed with the court, you may be able to ask the court for a temporary order for issues such as custody and parenting time, support, responsibility to pay certain bills, who can live in the family home, etc. This kind of reques... 6/12/2015 9:17:05 AM 1/4/2018 11:59:15 AM 11/15/2021 4:26:00 PM
2025 State Treatment Court Conference This training conference will provide treatment court professionals with information about the latest treatment court research, trends, and practices to support local treatment court operations and improve outcomes. Conference sessions are... 2/1/2017 1:38:19 PM
Support for the Minnesota Digital Exhibit System (MNDES) By Phone Twin Cities Metro (calling from area codes 612, 651, 763, or 952) or international:  (651) 413-8160 All other callers:  (833) 707-2791 Business Hours:  Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. - 4:15 p.m. e... 10/25/2021 11:59:53 AM
Access Court of Appeals or Supreme Court Case Records Access Case Records Minnesota District (Trial) Court Case Search 9/30/2014 1:09:06 PM
Parent Education Classes NOTICE OF EDUCATION PROGRAM REQUIREMENTS Minn. Stat. 518.157  requires parents to attend a parent education class when custody or parenting time is in dispute.  Starting August 1, 2021 , unless otherwise ordered, participation in a parent educat... 5/9/2016 3:27:31 PM
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