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Court Integration Services enables authorized agencies' systems to exchange information with the Minnesota Judicial Branch systems.

Integrated eFiling Services allow an authorized agency's system to submit cases and case updates to Minnesota Judicial Branch systems. 

Initial Release Conditions

Initial Release Conditions service allows an agency to specify initial release conditions of release for a defendant on a criminal case. This is an internal-only court service

Initial Release Conditions Schema version 3.1 uses CourtXML version 3
Initial Release Conditions Schema version 3.1_NoEnum uses CourtXML version 3 without enumerations
CourtXML Base Schema version 3
CourtXML Base Schema version 3_NoEnum
For prior Schema versions, please view our CourtXML page.
SimpleType Schemas and Companion Files are required for CourtXML Base schema

MQ Series

Queue Manager
  • Development: MSCJB01D
  • Test/QA: MSCJB01T
  • Production: MSCJB01P
Web Services
Service Address: WebServices/ServiceCatalog/InitialReleaseConditionsService_3_1.svc
A copy of the WSDL is available on our public website. By default this points at the Test/QA environment. At runtime you will need to update the endpoint address to reflect the environment you are using.