Frequently Asked Questions
What is a Subject Party?
A Subject Party is a key individual on a case based on their association to the case and the type of case. Please see the
Subject Party document for more details and Subject Party types.
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How does my county get started with integrations?
Refer to the
What's New?..Resources for Getting Started with Integration Services section on the
Court Integration Services home
page for reference materials.
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Our County Attorney is planning to implement MCAPS4. How do we use integration messaging to make MNCIS and MCAPS work together?
The implementation of each vendor solution can be different. Work with your vendor to determine what information you need and to complete the access request process.
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How do we get hearing updates into our MCAPS system from MNCIS?
Hearing updates are published in a case notification called Hearing Trial Setting Notification. See the
Case Notification Services page for details. You must be subscribed to these notifications and your system needs to be able to accept these notifications. Check with your vendor for details.
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How can our County Attorney get MNCIS to automatically import court dates into their system?
Court dates are published in a case notification called Hearing Trial Setting Notification. See the
Case Notification Services page for details. Your County Attorney must be subscribed to these notifications and their system needs to be able to accept these notifications. Your County Attorney should check with their vendor for details.
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The County Attorney’s system has hearings pending on all cases except Civil Commitments. Why would Civil Commitment hearings be missing?
Their subscription may not include this case type. They should check their Access Request Form to see if All Case Types was included for Hearings in the Notifications section. Refer to the
Integration Support page to request further assistance.
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We have a list of the statutes and would like to automate a process to continually have our statute table mirror the MNCIS statute table. What web service call is needed to accomplish that?
The BCA (Bureau of Criminal Apprehension) is the authoritative source for charging statutes found on criminal and traffic cases. The Statute Service web service is part of the BCA’s service catalog. Visit the BCA’s website for more information.
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I am doing research in our community corrections department and would like to get MNCIS case information including things like disposition dates, offense levels, and court dates. How do I do this?
The Minnesota Judicial Branch has a unit that fulfills data requests.
Data Request Help Topic »
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What is the process for requesting modifications to the data elements contained in the e-mail notifications we currently receive?
Integration Services don’t generate email notifications. If this is an eFile & eServe question, please contact the support personnel at
MN eFile Support Center.
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I’ve heard different people use the word eFile and mean completely different things. Can you help me understand this?
eFile is used in different contexts and can be confusing. An eFile can be either a document or a set of information used to update a computer system. MNCIS is updated through two separate “eFiling” methods: Court Integration Services and the eFile & eServe application. These two methods generally provide different functionality.
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Which types of cases is Tyler’s eFile & eServe for? Is there any other way to attach documents to cases?
Visit the eFile & eServe pages for more information on using this product:
File in A District (Trial) Court.
At this time eFile & eServe is the primary means for attaching documents to cases. Integration Services currently has several document projects on the radar for future development.
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Are any counties using Court Integration Services to initiate CHIPS or TPR cases in MNCIS?
Family cases are not initiated using Court Integration Services. Visit the eFile & eServe page for more information on using this product:
File in A District (Trial) Court.
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Has Court Integration Services built any integrations for reporting convictions to state licensing boards?
Not at this time.
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What activities are involved in getting integrations set up for my agency?
There are a number of testing, training, and support tasks government partners should complete while setting up court integration services to help ensure a successful implementation. Please see the
Court Integrations Subscriber Contact Checklist.
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