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Court Services The mission of the Court Services Division is to foster innovation and effectiveness in the courts through the provision of information, technical assistance and project support services so that the Judicial Branch vision is achieved.  Court Services staff serv... 5/21/2015 4:58:51 PM 2/21/2020 1:11:16 PM 3/4/2021 10:34:16 AM 8/9/2022 2:11:46 PM 2/5/2021 10:31:45 AM
EN BANC CALENDAR Before the Minnesota Supreme Court January  2013 SUMMARY OF ISSUES Summaries prepared by the Supreme Court Commissioner’s Office   Wednesday, January 2, 2013 Supreme Court Courtroom, State Capitol State of Minnesota, Respondent vs. Jeffrey... 7/15/2015 9:21:18 AM
Instructions for Requesting Transcripts of Hearings What is a transcript? A transcript is a written word-for-word record of a hearing.  A court reporter attends each hearing (except in conciliation court) to record what was said by each person in the hearing.  Transcripts a... 3/20/2017 2:10:05 PM 10/2/2019 2:38:38 PM 1/29/2021 1:11:26 PM
McLeod County District Court Telephone Numbers Court Administrator:  Karen V. Messner  (320) 864-1285 Main Number: ( 320) 864-1281 or (320) 864-1513 Fax Number: (320) 864-5905   Court Divisions Files are divided by Respondent/Defendant Last Name Civil/Con... 2/13/2015 4:04:48 PM
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