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Instructions for Requesting Transcripts of Hearings

What is a transcript?

A transcript is a written word-for-word record of a hearing.  A court reporter attends each hearing (except in conciliation court) to record what was said by each person in the hearing.  Transcripts are not prepared unless a request is made. 

General Reasons to Request a Transcript

  1. To have a written record of a hearing for informational purposes,
  2. To use as evidence in support of a motion related to what was said at a hearing, or
  3. To support an appeal to the Court of Appeals. 

How do I request a transcript?

Note: If you are requesting a transcript for an Expedited Child Support hearing (before a Child Support Magistrate), use the Request for Transcript instructions and forms.  For all other Tenth Judicial District court hearings, use the form below: 
  1. Complete and submit the transcript request form below.  Information about your hearing, including the hearing date and name of the judge, can be found by looking up your trial court case records through the Access Case Records page. You can search by a party’s name or the court case number.  
    (xxx) xxx-xxxx
         If you do not know your court file number, please look it up using the Access Case Records page.


  2. After you submit your transcript request, the court reporter will contact you and will provide you with an estimated cost to prepare the transcript and the estimated date when the transcript will be complete.  Estimated costs are based on the estimated number of pages of the transcript, whether the case is civil or criminal, and the number of copies requested.  Expedited (short notice) requests will cost more.  After you receive the estimated cost, you may withdraw your request without paying any costs.
  3. Send full payment of the estimated fee to the court reporter.  Payment must be made before the transcript is prepared.  If you are unable to afford the transcript fee, follow the instructions below under “Inability to Pay.” 
  4. After the court reporter receives payment, they will prepare the transcript and provide it to you electronically or by mail.  If the actual cost is higher than the estimated cost, the court reporter will notify you of the amount and you must pay the balance before delivery of the transcript.  If the cost is lower than the estimate, the court reporter will mail a refund to you.    

Inability to Pay / In Forma Pauperis Application

If you cannot afford the fee for the transcript, you may ask to have the fee waived by filing an Affidavit to Proceed In Forma Pauperis (Form IFP102), along with a Supplemental Request to Proceed In Forma Pauperis (Form IFP103).  If you already have a court order granting you In Forma Pauperis status, you must still file a Supplemental Request to get the transcript fees waived. 
In Forma Pauperis forms are available online, from Court Administration, your county law library, or your county self-help center. 
If the Court decides that you qualify for In Forma Pauperis status and your Supplemental Request is granted, you will not have to pay the costs for the transcript.  Notify the court reporter as soon as possible that the court has waived your transcript fees.

Withdrawal or Cancellation of Request

You may call the court reporter to withdraw your request any time before the court reporter begins working on the transcript.  If you fail to pay for your transcript or do not notify the court reporter that your fees have been waived, your request may be cancelled.  If you decide at a later time that you want the transcript after your request has been withdrawn or cancelled, you must submit a new transcript request.