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A23-1354: Joan Growe, et al., Petitioners, vs. Steve Simon, Minnesota Secretary of State, Respondent

This case was filed with the MN Supreme Court on Sept. 12, 2023. This page includes all of the public documents in the case.

Documents (posted in reverse chronological order, with the most recent document on top):

Nov. 16, 2023:

Nov. 8, 2023:

Oct. 31, 2023:

Oct. 30, 2023:

Oct. 27, 2023:

Oct. 26, 2023:

Oct. 25, 2023:

Oct. 23, 2023:

Oct. 20, 2023:

Oct. 18, 2023:

Oct. 17, 2023:

Oct. 16, 2023:

Oct. 13, 2023:

Oct. 11, 2023:

Oct. 6, 2023:

Oct. 4, 2023:

Oct. 3, 2023:

Sept. 27, 2023:

Sept. 26, 2023:

Sept. 21, 2023:

Sept. 20, 2023:

Sept. 15, 2023:

Sept. 14, 2023:

Sept. 12, 2023:


Kyle Christopherson
Communications Specialist
(651) 262-4118