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ADA Grievance Form

Thank you for your submission!

The grievance form must be filled out completely and submitted to the ADA Coordinator within 10 business days from the date of the alleged discriminatory action or decision.  

The ADA Coordinator, or designee, shall promptly review all grievances submitted under this procedure.  If it is determined that the information submitted is insufficient, the ADA Coordinator, or designee, may request, obtain, and consider additional information that is deemed necessary to a full and fair determination of the grievance.  Within 30 days after receipt of a grievance, the ADA Coordinator, or designee, shall respond in writing, and, where appropriate, in a format accessible to the grievant.  If the ADA Coordinator, or designee, is able to resolve the grievance, the resolution shall be set forth in writing and sent to the grievant.  If the ADA Coordinator, or designee, is not able to resolve the grievance, the ADA Coordinator, or designee, shall advise the grievant, in writing, of all offers that have been made to resolve the grievance and of the federal and state agencies available should the grievant wish to pursue the matter further.  

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