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News Item
Minnesota Supreme Court Chief Justice Speaks at Public Forum in Brainerd

Posted: Wednesday, April 26, 2017

“An Evening with the Chief Justice” hosted by the Gordon Rosenmeier Center for State and Local Government
Chief Justice Lorie GildeaMinnesota Supreme Court Chief Justice Lorie S. Gildea spoke at a public forum, with dozens of people in attendance, at the Chalberg Theater on the Central Lakes College campus in Brainerd on the evening of April 25.

Chief Justice Gildea’s presentation focused on the work of Minnesota’s justice system, the important role the courts play in preserving the rights and freedoms of citizens, and the critical need for an independent and impartial judiciary. Following her presentation, the Chief Justice held a question-and-answer session with forum attendees.

Chief Justice Lorie Gildea speaks in front of a crowd at Central Lakes College in Brainerd, Minnesota.“The justice system truly belongs to the people it serves,” said Chief Justice Gildea to the forum attendees, “and it’s critically important that we hear from people in the community about what you think of the job we’re doing.”
The forum – “An Evening with the Chief Justice” – was sponsored by the Gordon Rosenmeier
 Center for State and Local Government. The Rosenmeier Center is a non-partisan organization that strives to educate and encourage participation of citizens in effective government and the political process.