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News Item
Minnesota Supreme Court to Hold Oral Arguments, Community Dinner in Thief River Falls

Posted: Friday, August 10, 2018

Events at Lincoln High School to be held September 13

The Minnesota Supreme Court will visit Thief River Falls in September as part of a program that seeks to teach students about the court system and build the public’s trust and confidence in the judiciary. On the morning of Thursday, September 13, the state’s highest court will convene at Lincoln High School to hear oral arguments in a real court case in front of hundreds of students. That evening, the Supreme Court will hold a community dinner in the Lincoln High School Commons.

“My fellow justices and I are looking forward to our upcoming visit to Thief River Falls, and having the opportunity to engage with students and community members about our remarkable justice system in Minnesota,” said Minnesota Supreme Court Chief Justice Lorie S. Gildea. “We know that this will be a great opportunity for hundreds of students to see their justice system up close, and we hope many members of the community come out to share a meal and good conversation at the dinner event.”
More information on the two events, which are both open to the media, is provided below:
Area students to watch oral arguments in a real court case
On Thursday, September 13, the Minnesota Supreme Court will convene in the auditorium of Lincoln High School in Thief River Falls at 9:00 a.m. School officials expect to fill the auditorium with students from Lincoln High School in grades 10 – 12, and with special guests from other area schools.
The Court will hear oral arguments on an actual court case. Following the oral arguments, the Supreme Court justices will hold a question-and-answer session with students, share lunch with student representatives, and spend the afternoon visiting classrooms.
“Lincoln High School and Thief River Falls are extremely honored and privileged to have the Minnesota Supreme Court coming to our school to present oral arguments,” said Lincoln High School Principal Scott Brekke. “What a great opportunity for our students at LHS and our surrounding schools to see the Court in action. We are looking forward to this great day!”
On September 12, local attorneys will visit Lincoln High School to prepare students for the event and to help students understand the Supreme Court oral argument process, and the case that will be before the Court on September 13.
Since the Supreme Court convened oral arguments in Rochester, Minn., in 1995, school visits have taken center stage in the Court’s public outreach and education efforts. The Thief River Falls event marks the 48th in-school oral arguments for the Court.
More information about the Court’s visit to Lincoln High School, including a detailed schedule and information on the case the Court will hear on September 13, will be provided in the weeks ahead.
Public invited to a “Meet Your Court” community dinner
On the evening of Thursday, September 13, all area residents are invited to Lincoln High School in Thief River Falls to meet and share dinner with the members of the Minnesota Supreme Court and local district court judges.
Doors will open at 6:00 p.m. and dinner will be served at 6:30 p.m. The event will include a short program featuring remarks from members of the Supreme Court.
Tickets for the community-wide event are being sold for $10.00 to cover the cost of dinner, which includes chicken kiev, a wild rice blend, seasoned vegetables, a dinner roll, and cheesecake.
Tickets to the community dinner must be purchased in advance and will not be available at the door. Tickets will be available until Friday, September 7.
Tickets to the community dinner can be purchased in three ways:

  • Online through Thief River Falls High School at www.prowlertickets.com.

  • By phone by calling Esther Gallagher at (218) 681-7140. Tickets can be purchased by phone Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 3 p.m.

  • In person by visiting Lincoln High School (101 Knight Avenue South, Thief River Falls). Office hours are Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Seating for the event is limited. Lincoln High School is located at 101 Knight Avenue South, Thief River Falls, MN.

Dinner Event and Ticket Information