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News Item
Legal Paraprofessional Pilot Project Launches

Posted: Monday, March 1, 2021

The Legal Paraprofessional Pilot Project launches March 1, 2021, when the Court-appointed Standing Committee begins accepting applications from legal paraprofessionals and supervising attorneys who wish to participate in the Pilot.  The two-year, statewide Pilot Project allows approved legal paraprofessionals to represent and advise clients in select housing and family matters with oversight by a licensed Minnesota Attorney.  The Pilot Project is intended to increase access to legal representation in select civil case types where parties are disproportionately unrepresented.  

Since their appointment, the members of the Legal Paraprofessional Standing Committee have been working to develop and establish an application process, a specialized certificate of representation, a complaint process, and other documents and processes to enable the Pilot Project to commence. Information about the Standing Committee, the application process, and other details are available on the Legal Paraprofessional Pilot Project webpage.

Legal paraprofessionals interested in participating in the Pilot Project and who meet the qualifications are encouraged to apply.  If approved for participation, applicants will be added to a public roster of legal paraprofessionals available to advise and, in some cases, represent clients in court in landlord-tenant and select family law disputes.