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News Item
Minnesota Supreme Court to convene at Shakopee High School on October 11

Posted: Tuesday, September 20, 2022

The Minnesota Supreme Court will convene at Shakopee High School, home of the Academies of Shakopee, on Tuesday, October 11, as part of a biannual program aimed at engaging students about the importance of the justice system and the work of Minnesota’s highest court.
Approximately 800 students are expected to fill one of Shakopee High School’s theatres to watch the Supreme Court hear oral arguments.  Following oral arguments, the Supreme Court justices will hold a question-and-answer session with students in the school theater. The justices will then hold a brief media availability, before sharing lunch with student representatives and spending the afternoon visiting classrooms.
In the weeks leading up to the Supreme Court’s visits, volunteer attorneys from the area will visit classrooms to prepare students for the Supreme Court oral argument process, and the facts behind the case that will be heard on October 11.
“We are so pleased to bring the traveling oral argument program to Shakopee High School after a two-year hiatus due to the pandemic,” said Minnesota Supreme Court Chief Justice Lorie S. Gildea. “My colleagues and I look forward to each of these visits as they are a wonderful opportunity to share the work of the court with the students.”
Since the Supreme Court convened oral arguments in Rochester, MN, in 1995, the school visits have been an important part of the Court’s efforts to improve public understanding of the judiciary’s work.  The Shakopee High School visit marks the 51st in-school oral argument for the Court.
“We are extremely grateful for the opportunity to host the Minnesota Supreme Court! It’s real-world learning experiences like this that are so exciting and beneficial for our students,” said Shakopee High School Principal Jeff Pawlicki. “As one of only two high schools in the State with a wall-to-wall Academy model, our Human Services Academy teachers and students are eager to incorporate the session into their current learning plan.”
Shakopee Sabers Live will livestream the oral arguments and the question-and-answer session at https://www.shakopeesabers.com/live.