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News Item
New laws, rules, and policies take effect Jan. 1, 2024

Posted: Friday, December 22, 2023


Extreme Risk Protection Order

A family or household member, a chief law enforcement officer, a city or county attorney, or a guardian may request an Extreme Risk Protection Order (ERPO) from the court, which prohibits a respondent from purchasing or possessing a firearm while the order is in effect. Read more about extreme risk protection orders.

Sign and Release Warrant

The court is required in certain cases to issue a Sign and Release Warrant for a defendant, which does not authorize arrest. Law enforcement will serve and clear these warrants by providing the defendant a new court date.  Read more about sign and release warrants.

Minnesota Pretrial Risk Assessment

Minnesota’s Pretrial Risk Assessment Form and Tool has been revised. Read more about the MNPAT-R.


Cameras in Courtroom

The Minnesota Supreme Court has amended the rules governing audio and visual coverage of criminal proceedings. Read the Court’s order, the Notice of Coverage and Victim/Witness forms and download Form CRM903 Agreement to Visual of Audio Coverage.