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News Item
Minnesota Judicial Branch Wants Your Feedback to Inform Its Strategic Plan 

Posted: Friday, February 23, 2024

Every two years, the Minnesota Judicial Branch creates a strategic plan to support its mission and vision. The plan guides the Branch’s decision-making and resource allocation. The Minnesota Judicial Branch is gathering input from litigants, justice partners, and other members of the public to inform priorities for its FY26-27 strategic plan.  

We hope that you will complete the survey below to provide us your ideas and experiences to inform the future direction of the Minnesota Judicial Branch. You can answer as many or as few questions as you want. Your responses are anonymous. The survey will close on Friday, March 8. 

Minnesota Judicial Branch Mission, Vision, Goals and Strategic Plan 

The Minnesota Judicial Branch’s Roadmap sets long-range targets that define its two-year strategic plans. You can review the current FY24-25 Strategic Plan and find future plans as they are available on the About the Courts page.   

As you complete the survey, consider the Minnesota Judicial Branch Mission and Vision and Goals: 

  • Mission: To provide justice through a system that assures equal access for the fair and timely resolution of cases and controversies.  
  • Vision: The general public and those who use the court system will refer to it as accessible, fair, consistent, responsive, free of discrimination, independent, and well-managed. 
  • Values: Collaboration, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, Equal Justice for All, Innovation, Public Service, Public Trust and Confidence 
  • Strategic Goals: Access to Justice, Effective Administration of Justice, and Public Trust & Accountability