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News Item
Court of Appeals Hears Oral Arguments at Central High School

Posted: Thursday, April 25, 2024


A three-judge panel of the Minnesota Court of Appeals convened at Central High School in St. Paul on Wednesday, April 24, to hear oral arguments in front of students.

This special traveling panel heard oral arguments in Jill Marie Zetterwall vs. State of Minnesota (Case A23-1525). The panel included Judges Michelle Larkin, Diane Bratvold, and Jennifer Frisch.

Central High School hosted the traveling oral argument program to educate students about the work of the Judicial Branch. More than 125 students observed the proceedings and took part in a question-and-answer session afterward, and nearly two dozen students participated as student guides, ambassadors, stage crew, and student media.

The Court of Appeals regularly hears oral arguments in communities across Minnesota to ensure access to justice. This is the second time the Court has traveled to a high school as part of a traveling oral argument program.

More information about Minnesota’s Court of Appeals, including a guide to oral arguments, can be found on the Court of Appeals webpage.  An audio recording of the oral argument is availble here.