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News Item
Minnesota Judicial Branch announces chief judge election results

Posted: Thursday, May 23, 2024

The Minnesota Judicial Branch is pleased to announce the election of chief judges and assistant chief judges for six of its 10 judicial districts.

Elections for chief judges and assistant chief judges are held in even years for even-numbered districts and in odd-numbered years for odd-numbered districts. This year, the 7th Judicial District held a special election after Gov. Tim Walz appointed Chief Judge Sarah Hennesy to serve on the Supreme Court.

State statute requires chief judges to exercise general administrative authority over the courts within the district, including assigning judges to serve in locations throughout the district. The chief judge of each judicial district also serves as a member of the Minnesota Judicial Council, the administrative policy-making authority for the Minnesota Judicial Branch.

Chief judges and assistant chief judges are elected to two-year terms by judges within the district. No judge may serve as chief judge or assistant chief judge for more than two consecutive two-year terms. Judges elected in this term will begin serving on July 1, 2024.

2nd DISTRICT (Ramsey County)

Chief Judge: Sara R. Grewing
Assistant Chief Judge: Kelly Olmstead

The election of Judges Grewing and Olmstead is the first time that two women have jointly served in these leadership positions in Ramsey County. Judge Grewing is the fourth female chief judge in Ramsey County. 

4th DISTRICT (Hennepin County)

Chief Judge: Kerry W. Meyer
Assistant Chief Judge: Mark J. Kappelhoff


Chief Judge: Leslie Beiers
Assistant Chief Judge: Rachel Sullivan

7th District

The 7th District held a special election this year after Gov. Walz appointed 7th District Chief Judge Sara Hennesy to serve on the Supreme Court. Assistant Chief Judge Michael Fritz moved into the Chief Judge position, which required the election of a new Assistant Chief Judge. Judge Fritz and Judge Wang will complete the remaining 2023-25 term, at which time bi-annual elections will resume.

Chief Judge: Michael Fritz
Assistant Chief Judge: Shan Wang

8th District

The 8th District will hold elections in June 2024.

10th District

Chief Judge:  Elizabeth Strand
Assistant Chief Judge: Sean Gibbs

Judge Strand is the first female chief judge to serve the 10th District.