News Item
Steele Waseca Drug Court celebrates 10-year anniversary

Posted: Wednesday, July 10, 2024

The Steele Waseca Drug Court will celebrate its 10-year anniversary with a formal ceremony followed by a picnic and volleyball game on Tuesday, July 16.

The formal ceremony will be held at noon in the second-floor courtroom of the Waseca County Courthouse, 307 N. State St. The picnic and volleyball game will run from 2:30-5:30 p.m. in the Johnson Pavilion at Clear Lake Park, 1000 8th Ave. NE.

“We are so proud of our drug court program and this is an excellent way to show our appreciation to both the graduates and the community,” said Third Judicial District Chief Judge Joseph Bueltel, who along with Judge Carol Hanks are the drug court judges.  “It takes an entire community to make a court like this successful, and we want our community to know how much its support means to this court.”

The Steele Waseca Drug Court is a voluntary program, lasting a minimum of 18 months, in which a judge leads a multidisciplinary team of professionals to collaboratively assist the offender with an array of services, including emergency financial assistance, chemical dependency and mental health/trauma counseling, employment training assistance, and temporary housing.  Participants may be removed from the program if they do not comply with program requirements or if they reoffend while in treatment.

“This program is not easy,” said Nicole Grams, drug court coordinator. “Although we work collaboratively to assist the participant, the judge holds that person accountable every step of the way.”

Three graduates will share their personal stories during the 10-year anniversary ceremony. Former graduates, their families, members of the recovery community, and those who have worked with the drug court are encouraged to attend both the formal celebration and the picnic and volleyball game. For more information, please contact