News Item
Members selected for new Supreme Court Council on Child Protection and Maltreatment Prevention

Posted: Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Minnesota Supreme Court Chief Justice Natalie Hudson today signed an order establishing the Supreme Court Council on Child Protection and Maltreatment Prevention and appointing members to serve on it.

Minnesota Supreme Court Associate Justice Anne McKeig will serve as the as the designee of the chief justice and chair of the Council for a term effective immediately and ending on Jan. 15, 2026.

“Justice McKeig has a staunch commitment to child welfare, and her decades of experience in this field – both as a practitioner and a jurist – will be invaluable to everyone on the Council and to the people of Minnesota,” said Chief Justice Hudson.

Other members of the new Council include: Council advisors include: The Minnesota Legislature established the Council on Child Protection and Maltreatment Prevention during the 2024 legislative session to:
  • review policies, laws, practices, latest research, and data related to children in the child protection system;
  • gather information from people about their lived experience with the child protection system;
  • review research that evaluates the effects of child foster care placement and out-of-home placement on children;
  • make recommendations for changes in policies and law that are designed to improve outcomes for children and families in the child protection system or at risk of maltreatment; and
  • recognize the inherent sovereignty of Tribal Nations and the unique political status of their children and families.
The Council must submit a progress report to the governor, the chief justice of the supreme court, and the chairs and ranking minority members of the legislative committees with jurisdiction over child protection by July 15, 2025. The Council’s final report, which will include a comprehensive blueprint for child protection and maltreatment prevention in Minnesota, must be submitted by Jan. 15, 2026.