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Judge Nicole J. Starr

Ramsey County Courthouse
Second Judicial District
(651) 266-8266

Chambers Phone: (651) 266-8203

Second Judicial District Judicial Officers

Judge Nicole J. Starr


Appointed Jan. 26, 2015, by Governor Mark Dayton.  Elected in 2016 and 2022. Current term expires Jan. 2029.


JD, University of Minnesota Law School

BA, University of Minnesota  

Past Employment:

Assistant Public Defender, Second Judicial District Public Defender’s Office

Of counsel, Hellmuth and Johnson, PLLC

Judicial law clerk, the Honorable Katherine D. Roe, Minnesota’s Fourth Judicial District, and the Honorable Justice Zakeria Mohammed Yacoob, Constitutional Court of South Africa

Professional Memberships:

Executive board member, Minnesota Asian Pacific American Bar Association

Member, Minnesota State Bar Association

Member, Minnesota Lavender Bar

​Member, American Academy of Forensic Science

Community Activites:

Former board member, YWCA of the USA