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Senior Judge Douglas P. Anderson
Senior Judge Douglas P. Anderson


Appointed Jan. 1, 2008, by Gov. Tim Pawlenty.  Elected in 2010 and 2016. Retired on July 13, 2018. Appointed and assigned to serve statewide as Senior Judge from July 1, 2021, to June 30, 2025.


B.A. from Univ. of Mn-Duluth (1972, Summa Cum Laude), Major- political science with minors in English and history

J.D. from Univ of Mn (1975)


Rosenmeier and Simonett (1975-80); then Rosenmeier, Anderson & Vogel (1980-2007)

Professional Memberships:

Mn Defense Lawyers, Mn Trial Lawyers, Mn State Bar Assoc., American Bar Assoc., Seventh Dist. Bar, John Simonett Inn of Court, AAA, District Ethics Committee, Cent. Mn. Legal Services Advisory Bd.

Professional and Community Activities:

Mock trial coach and judge, Boy Scouts Exec. Committee, Chamber of Commerce, Lf Area Community Fdn., Community Devel. Bd., Bank of the West Bd., Church council; United Way Bd., Jaycees

Additional Information:

Wife, Lois, and 2 adult children.