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Judge Joy D. Bartscher

Appointed by Gov. Mark Dayton on Oct. 30, 2012. Elected in 2014 and 2020. Current term expires Jan. 2027.

Judge Joy Bartscher was an associate attorney at Rogosheske, Sieben & Atkins, P.L.L.C., where she handled criminal defense, personal injury, family, and other general practice matters. Judge Bartscher studied social work and Spanish at the College of St. Catherine in St. Paul, and used her bilingual skills as an interpreter with the U.S. Department of Justice. Judge Bartscher also conducted a high number of pro bono services and received recognition for these services, including being named one of the 100 William Mitchell College of Law "alumni who have made a difference."  Previously, Judge Bartscher served as Executive Director of the Neighborhood Justice Center. She is a past president and board member of the Riverview Economic Development Association and was a member of the Supreme Court Interpreter Advisory Committee.