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Judge Kristine R. DeMay


Appointed Jan. 2, 2008, by Governor Tim Pawlenty.  Elected in 2010, 2016, and 2022.  Term expires Jan. 2029.


J.D., Hamline University School of Law, 1995

B.S.; Illinois State University; Normal, IL; 1990


Assistant Crow Wing County Attorney, Brainerd, 1997-2007

Attorney; Fitzpatrick, Nelson and Ten Eyck; 1996-97

Assistant City Attorney, Brainerd, 1996-97

Seventh Judicial District law clerk, Detroit Lakes, 1995-96

Washington County Public Defender’s Office, Stillwater, 1995

Professional Memberships:

Minnesota State Bar Association

Minnesota District Judges Association

Team member, Children’s Justice Initiative

Crow Wing County Bar Association

Former member, Crow Wing County Drug Court

Former member, Crow Wing County Methamphetamine Coalition

Former member, Minnesota County Attorneys’ Association (Criminal Law Committee)