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Judge Patrick W. Flanagan


Appointed by Governor Mark Dayton on February 21, 2018. Elected in 2020. Current term expires Jan. 2027.  


Undergraduate: University of Wisconsin-LaCrosse, B.S. 1990
Law School:  William Mitchell College of Law, J.D. 1993


Heuer & Vandelist, Associate, 1993-1995
Custard Insurance Adjusters, Branch Manager, 1995-1996
Flanagan Law Office, Attorney, 1996-2001
Mower County Attorney’s Office, Assistant, 2001-2002
Mower County Attorney’s Office, Elected County Attorney, 2003-2006
Flanagan Law Office and State Public Defender’s Office, Attorney and Part-Time Public Defender, 2006 – 2018

Professional Memberships:

Minnesota State Bar

Federal District Court – District of Minnesota