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Assistant Chief Judge Rodney C. Hanson


Appointed Nov. 6, 2013, by Governor Mark Dayton. Elected in 2016 and 2022. Current term expires Jan. 2029.


William Mitchell College of Law (J.D., 1985)

Concordia College (B.A., magna cum laude and Alpha Honor Society, 1982)


Partner; Anderson, Larson, Hanson & Saunders P.L.L.P.

Local practice, Willmar, 1985-2013

Qualified neutral and arbitrator, American Arbitration Association

Community Activities:

Basketball referee (2006-present) and Mock Trial Competition, Minnesota State High School League

Class agent, Concordia College Alumni Services, 2004-2014

Member, Vinje Lutheran Church, 1985-present

Board member, Kandiyohi County Area Family YMCA

Past president and board member, United Way of West Central Minnesota

Professional Activities:

Member, Minnesota State Bar Association, 1985-present

Kandiyohi County Bar Association, 1985-present

Minnesota Association for Justice, 1990-2013

President, Twelfth District Bar Association, 2008-2009

Board, Professional Responsibility Commission, 12th District Bar Association, 1996-2002

Voluntary attorney, Western Minnesota Legal Services, 1985-2013