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Judge Jenny Walker Jasper


Appointed November 7, 2001.  Elected in 2004, 2010, 2016 and 2022. Her current term expires in Jan. 2029.


Hamline University School of Law (J.D. 1987); University of Wisconsin LaCrosse (1984).

Employment Background:

Private Practice, Jasper & Walker (1999-2001); Tenth Judicial District Chief Public Defender (1992-1999); Assistant Public Defender, Nicol & Greenley (1990-1994); Assistant Public Defender, Barna & Guzy (1987-1990).


Minnesota Commission on Judicial Selection (1999-2000); Minnesota Sentencing Guidelines Commission (1991-1999); Governor's Task Force on Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (1997-1998); Minnesota Judges Criminal Benchbook Committee (1997-present); Children's Justice Initiative Lead Judge for Anoka County (2003-present); Anoka County Childrens Mental Health Advisory Board (2002-present); Anoka County Community Corrections Advisory Baord (1993-present); Racial Bias Elimination Task Force for the Tenth Judicial District (1993-2002); Anoka County Courthouse Security Committee (1999-present); Taskforce on Corrections Crowding (1993); Commission on Confinement and Treatment of DWI Recidivists (1992); Tenth Judicial District Resource Management Planning Committee (1992); Presiding Judge Minnesota Stand Down (2002-present).

Professional Organizations:

Minnesota District Judges Association (2001-present); National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges (2004-present); American Bar Association (1987-1995); Minnesota State Bar Association (1987-present); Anoka County Bar Association (1987-present); Minnesota Women Lawyers (1993-present); Minnesota Public Defenders Association (1991-2001); Minnesota Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers (1989-2001); Anoka Area Chamber of Commerce (1999-2001).

Volunteer Opportunities:

Citizens Nominating Committee (2001); Minnesota Stand Down (1998-present); Anoka County Healthy Start Family Mentor (2001); North Metro Soccer Association Coach (2001-present); Andover Youth Track and Field Coach (2002-present).