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Judge Michael J. Mayer

Eagan.  Born Chicago, Il 1960. St. Mary’s University, Winona (B.A. cum laude, 1981), Hamline University School of  Law (J.D. 1985, law review), Vice Chair/Chair- Governor’s Juvenile Justice Advisory Committee (1995-present), Chair- Midwest Region- Coalition for Juvenile Justice, Washington, DC (1998-present), Chair- Government Relations- Coalition for Juvenile Justice, Washington, DC (2000-2002), Congressman Jim Ramstad’s Law Enforcement Advisory Committee (1994-2004), Member-Department of Justice (OJJDP) Federal Advisory Committee, Washington, DC (2002-present), Prosecuting Attorney, City of Burnsville (1986-2004), Prosecuting Attorney, City of Eagan (1989-2004), private practice of law (1985-2004), Past President-Dakota County Bar Association, Coach youth sports- Eagan Athletic Association (1996-present), Confirmation Mentor- Easter Lutheran Church, Eagan, MN.  Appointed June 29, 2004, by Governor Tim Pawlenty.  Elected in 2006, 2012, and 2018.  Current term expires Jan. 2025.