Appointed on Nov. 5, 2018, by Governor Mark Dayton. Elected in 2020. Current term expires Jan. 2027.
- Juris Doctorate, Hamline University School of Law, Cum Laude
- Bachelor of Arts, Central College, Magna Cum Laude
Past Employment:
- Senior Assistant Hennepin County Attorney
- Assistant Hennepin County Attorney
- Assistant Carver County Attorney
- Warren E. Burger Inn of Court
- Minnesota District Judges Foundation
- Minnesota District Judges Association
- Minnesota State Bar Association
- First Judicial District Bar Association
- Former member, National Association of Women Judges
- Former member, National District Attorney’s Association
- Former member, Minnesota County Attorney’s Association
Professional and Community Activities:
- Facilitator, From Graduation to Gavel – Infiniti Project (August 2021)
- Participant, First Judicial District Community Listening Session, Dakota County Event (February 2020)
- Speaker, Perspectives from the Bench, Mendota Heights/West St. Paul Rotary (November 2019)
- Former, Frequent Speaker on criminal justice and social service issues, local and statewide audiences
- Former Panelist, National Institute of Justice Prosecutors Advisory Panel, Washington D.C.