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Judge Anna Andow

Hennepin County Courthouse
Fourth Judicial District
(612) 348-6000

Law Clerk: (612) 596-1892
Judicial Clerk: (612) 596-1893

Fourth Judicial District Judicial Officers

Judge Anna Andow


Appointed Mar. 8, 2021, by Governor Tim Walz. Re-elected November 8, 2022. Current term expires December 31, 2028.


J.D., William Mitchell College of Law
B.S., Biology, University of Texas at Arlington
B.A., Psychology, Baylor University

Prior Employment:

  • Child Support Magistrate, Family Law Justice Center, Minneapolis
  • Staff attorney, Mid-Minnesota Legal Aid

Professional and Community Activities:

Has worked extensively with a variety of public agencies, non-profit organizations, and other stakeholders in Minnesota to help serve the needs of the most underrepresented populations.