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Administrative File Archive

This website is an archive of Minnesota Supreme Court administrative orders and other documents from the 1970s through 2011. To find administrative orders and other documents filed after January 1, 2012, please go to the public website for the Minnesota Appellate Case Management System (P-MACS): 

Link to P-MACS Search Screen

If you don't know the administrative file number, you can choose "Administrative Files" as the Case Group and enter any part of the file name in the Case Title to search (e.g. Criminal Rules).

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1986-04-15-Order-Creating-CSB.pdf130 KB
1986-12-22 MN Client Security Bd Petition.pdf823 KB
1986-12-22 Order 3-19-87 Hearing and Responses.pdf5139 KB
1986-12-22-MN-Client-Security-Bd-Petition.pdf823 KB
1986-12-22-Order-3-19-87-Hearing-and-Responses.pdf5139 KB
1987 Client Sec Bd Appt Orders.pdf147 KB
1987-03-09 Client Security Board Petition.pdf122 KB
1987-03-09-Client-Security-Board-Petition.pdf122 KB
1987-04-07 Order Re Client Security Rls.pdf1037 KB
1987-04-07-Order-Re-Client-Security-Rls.pdf1037 KB
1987-06-24 Order Rls of Client Security Bd.pdf97 KB
1987-06-24-Order-Rls-of-Client-Security-Bd.pdf97 KB
1987-09-18 Executed Oaths of Office.pdf416 KB
1987-09-18-Executed-Oaths-of-Office.pdf416 KB
1987-10-02 Order C. Swanson Fee Waiver.pdf137 KB
1987-10-02-Order-C-Swanson-Fee-Waiver.pdf137 KB
1987-Client-Sec-Bd-Appt-Orders.pdf147 KB
1988 Client Sec Bd Appt Orders.pdf105 KB
1988-06-20 Client Security Bd Annual Rpt.pdf900 KB
1988-06-20-Client-Security-Bd-Annual-Rpt.pdf900 KB
1988-Client-Sec-Bd-Appt-Orders.pdf105 KB
1989 Client Sec Bd Appt Order.pdf50 KB
1989-Client-Sec-Bd-Appt-Order.pdf50 KB
1990 Client Sec Bd Appt Order.pdf47 KB
1990-07-02 Client Security Bd Annual Rpt.pdf1199 KB
1990-07-02-Client-Security-Bd-Annual-Rpt.pdf1199 KB
1990-08-15 Executed Oaths of Office.pdf215 KB
1990-08-15-Executed-Oaths-of-Office.pdf215 KB
1990-Client-Sec-Bd-Appt-Order.pdf47 KB
1991 Client Sec Bd Appt Order.pdf50 KB
1991-06-12 Client Security Bd Annual Rpt.pdf2747 KB
1991-06-12-Client-Security-Bd-Annual-Rpt.pdf2747 KB
1991-07-03 Executed Oaths of Office.pdf149 KB
1991-07-03-Executed-Oaths-of-Office.pdf149 KB
1991-Client-Sec-Bd-Appt-Order.pdf50 KB
1992 Client Sec Bd Appt Orders.pdf144 KB
1992-06-25 Client Security Bd Annual Rpt.pdf1435 KB
1992-06-25-Client-Security-Bd-Annual-Rpt.pdf1435 KB
1992-Client-Sec-Bd-Appt-Orders.pdf144 KB
1993 Client Sec Bd Appt Order.pdf45 KB
1993-06-22 Client Security Bd Annual Rpt.pdf1171 KB
1993-06-22-Client-Security-Bd-Annual-Rpt.pdf1171 KB
1993-08-26 Executed Oaths of Office.pdf195 KB
1993-08-26 Petition to Amend Atty Reg Fees.pdf1931 KB
1993-08-26-Executed-Oaths-of-Office.pdf195 KB
1993-08-26-Petition-to-Amend-Atty-Reg-Fees.pdf1931 KB
1993-09-20 Order 11-17-93 Hearing.pdf389 KB
1993-09-20-Order-11-17-93-Hearing.pdf389 KB
1993-12-03 Order Client Security Bd Rls.pdf218 KB
1993-12-03-Order-Client-Security-Bd-Rls.pdf218 KB
1993-Client-Sec-Bd-Appt-Order.pdf45 KB
1994 Client Sec Bd Appt Order.pdf40 KB
1994-06-29 Client Security Bd Annual Rpt.pdf1696 KB
1994-06-29-Client-Security-Bd-Annual-Rpt.pdf1696 KB
1994-Client-Sec-Bd-Appt-Order.pdf40 KB
1995 Client Sec Bd Appt Order.pdf43 KB
1995-01-11 Client Security Bd Petition.pdf1667 KB
1995-01-11-Client-Security-Bd-Petition.pdf1667 KB
1995-03-14 Order 5-12-95 Hearing and Responses.pdf1133 KB
1995-03-14-Order-5-12-95-Hearing-and-Responses.pdf1133 KB
1995-06-26 Client Security Bd Annual Rpt.pdf3459 KB
1995-06-26-Client-Security-Bd-Annual-Rpt.pdf3459 KB
1995-06-28 Order Amend Client Security Rls.pdf769 KB
1995-06-28-Order-Amend-Client-Security-Rls.pdf769 KB
1995-Client-Sec-Bd-Appt-Order.pdf43 KB
1996 Client Sec Bd Appt Orders.pdf145 KB
1996-07-02 Client Security Bd Annual Rpt.pdf1981 KB
1996-07-02-Client-Security-Bd-Annual-Rpt.pdf1981 KB
1996-Client-Sec-Bd-Appt-Orders.pdf145 KB
1997 Client Sec Bd Appt Orders.pdf88 KB
1997-07-09 Client Security Bd Annual Rpt.pdf978 KB
1997-07-09-Client-Security-Bd-Annual-Rpt.pdf978 KB
1997-11-19 Executed Oath of Office.pdf100 KB
1997-11-19-Executed-Oath-of-Office.pdf100 KB
1997-Client-Sec-Bd-Appt-Orders.pdf88 KB
1998 Client Sec Bd Appt Orders.pdf93 KB
1998-05-22 Order Atty Reg Rls Amendments.pdf255 KB
1998-05-22-Order-Atty-Reg-Rls-Amendments.pdf255 KB
1998-07-28 Client Security Bd Annual Rpt.pdf4167 KB
1998-07-28-Client-Security-Bd-Annual-Rpt.pdf4167 KB
1998-Client-Sec-Bd-Appt-Orders.pdf93 KB
1999 Client Sec Bd Appt Order.pdf42 KB
1999-05-20 Order Atty Reg Rls Amendments.pdf53 KB
1999-05-20-Order-Atty-Reg-Rls-Amendments.pdf53 KB
1999-07-08 Client Security Bd Annual Rpt.pdf2042 KB
1999-07-08-Client-Security-Bd-Annual-Rpt.pdf2042 KB
1999-Client-Sec-Bd-Appt-Order.pdf42 KB
2000 Client Sec Bd Appt Orders.pdf94 KB
2000-06-19 Executed Oath of Office.pdf107 KB
2000-06-19-Executed-Oath-of-Office.pdf107 KB
2000-07-31 Client Security Bd Annual Rpt.pdf1638 KB
2000-07-31-Client-Security-Bd-Annual-Rpt.pdf1638 KB
2000-Client-Sec-Bd-Appt-Orders.pdf94 KB
2001 Client Sec Bd Appt Order.pdf42 KB
2001-04-13 Client Security Bd Petition.pdf603 KB
2001-04-13-Client-Security-Bd-Petition.pdf603 KB
2001-05-10 Order to Submit Comments.pdf661 KB
2001-05-10-Order-to-Submit-Comments.pdf661 KB
2001-07-05 Client Security Bd Annual Rpt.pdf1942 KB
2001-07-05-Client-Security-Bd-Annual-Rpt.pdf1942 KB
2001-09-14 Order Client Security Bd Rls.pdf55 KB
2001-09-14-Order-Client-Security-Bd-Rls.pdf55 KB
2001-Client-Sec-Bd-Appt-Order.pdf42 KB
2002 Client Sec Bd Appt Orders.pdf129 KB
2002-07-11 Client Security Bd Annual Rpt.pdf1895 KB
2002-07-11-Client-Security-Bd-Annual-Rpt.pdf1895 KB
2002-08-16 Order LPRB Acting Director.pdf50 KB
2002-08-16-Order-LPRB-Acting-Director.pdf50 KB
2002-Client-Sec-Bd-Appt-Orders.pdf129 KB
2003 Client Sec Bd Appt Orders.pdf51 KB
2003-Client-Sec-Bd-Appt-Orders.pdf51 KB
2004 Client Sec Bd Appt Orders.pdf73 KB
2004-07-16 Client Sec Bd Annual Rpt.pdf767 KB
2004-07-16-Client-Sec-Bd-Annual-Rpt.pdf767 KB
2004-Client-Sec-Bd-Appt-Orders.pdf73 KB
2005 Client Sec Bd Appt Order.pdf18 KB
2005-04-19 Client Security Bd Budget.pdf83 KB
2005-04-19-Client-Security-Bd-Budget.pdf83 KB
2005-07-15 Client Sec Bd Annual Rpt.pdf790 KB
2005-07-15-Client-Sec-Bd-Annual-Rpt.pdf790 KB
2005-Client-Sec-Bd-Appt-Order.pdf18 KB
2007 Client Sec Bd Appt Order.pdf18 KB
2007-07-24 Client Sec Bd Annual Rpt.pdf1892 KB
2007-07-24-Client-Sec-Bd-Annual-Rpt.pdf1892 KB
2007-Client-Sec-Bd-Appt-Order.pdf18 KB
2008 Client Sec Bd Appt Order.pdf37 KB
2008-07-14 Client Sec Bd Annual Rpt.pdf596 KB
2008-07-14-Client-Sec-Bd-Annual-Rpt.pdf596 KB
2008-Client-Sec-Bd-Appt-Order.pdf37 KB
2009 Client Sec Bd Appt Orders.pdf30 KB
2009-07-13 Client Sec Bd Annual Rpt.pdf726 KB
2009-07-13-Client-Sec-Bd-Annual-Rpt.pdf726 KB
2009-Client-Sec-Bd-Appt-Orders.pdf30 KB
2010 Client Sec Bd Appt Order.pdf46 KB
2010-Client-Sec-Bd-Appt-Order.pdf46 KB