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eFS Communications Archive

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eFS issues with accessing documents

Posted: Tuesday, January 9, 2024

Users have reported errors when opening links to documents within the eFile & eServe System (eFS) or in emails from eFS, such as service emails. Some users also report receiving a message that the file is damaged and that they cannot view documents when this error occurs. 

As of January 7, 2024, eFS requires users to enter an email address to open document links. We are aware some users are also experiencing errors accessing documents after entering an email address. 

We are working with the vendor to resolve the errors. 

Documents that have been electronically filed and accepted by the court are still part of the court file, even if users encounter errors or issues accessing documents in eFS. Public documents filed with the court may be available via Minnesota Court Records Online (MCRO). 

If you have questions, please contact the MN eFile Support Center.