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Family Violence Coordinating Council (FVCC)

Hennepin County District Court »

The Fourth Judicial District established the Family Violence Coordinating Council (FVCC) for the purpose of addressing family violence issues. The purpose of FVCC is to:

  • coordinate between agencies, departments and the courts on the issues of domestic violence and abuse;  
  • promote effective prevention, intervention and treatment techniques; and
  • improve the response to domestic violence and abuse so as to reduce the incidents of domestic violence and promote victim safety.



  • FVCC meets the second Thursday of each month from 12:15 p.m. - 1:30 p.m.

2024 FVCC Voting Members

Abdi, Hodan
Domestic Abuse Service Center, Advocate

Askalani, Shereen
4th District Court Judge
, Criminal Division 

Bolke, Lila
4th District Family Court, Staff Attorney
Cousins, Adrienne
Public Defender's Office, Adult Public Defender

DeFord, Heidi
Hennepin County Attorney's Office, Assistant County Attorney - Child Protection Division

Freeman, Christopher
Hennepin County Attorney's Office, Managing Attorney - Community Prosecution 

Frazher, Lindsay
4th District Family Court, Family Court Operations Manager

Heisterkamp, Breanna
Hennepin Assault Response Team, Nurse Manager

Johnson, Kerri
Minneapolis City Attorney's Office, Managing Attorney
Keefe, Amirthini
Domestic Abuse Project (DAP), Executive Director

Knight, Holly
4th District Court Referee,
Family Division

Likens, Allison
Cornerstone, Civil/Criminal Justice Intervention Coordinator

Lokensgard, Siri
Domestic Abuse Service Center, Legal Services Specialist Supervisor

Maples, Miriam
FamilyWise, Program Director

McNaughton, Lisa
Public Defender's Office, Juvenile Public Defender
McTigue, Penny
Hennepin County Human Services and Public Health, Program Manager

Morales, Lidia
4th District Court Administration, Criminal Court Operations Manager
Nelson, Melynda
Hennepin County Probation, Probation Officer

Osborne, Erin
Central Minnesota Legal Services, Staff Attorney

Ratner, Rachel
Sojourner Project, Legal Advocate

Rude, Cecelia
Minneapolis Police Department, Community Navigator

Ryan, Don
Safe Communities, Program Manager

Swenson, Elsa
Mission Inc; Home Free, Program Manager

Torberg, Kari
Hennepin County Child Protection, Supervisor

Weinstein, Michael
Hennepin County Family Mediation and Evaluation, Supervisor