How do I appeal a judgment?
Visit the
Appeals Help Topic to learn about the appeals process.
What is the telephone number for the Hennepin County Sheriff's Office?
You can call the Sheriff's Office at
(612) 348-3800, and visit the
Hennepin County Sheriff's Office website for more information.
How do I get a copy of a judgment or other documents in a court case?
For a
fee ($5 for each name searched), the court will search for a specific name in the civil judgments records. Judgment search requests can be made in person at the Judgments Office. You may also search for judgment records online using
Judgment Search - Minnesota Court Records Online (MCRO). To get copies of other kinds of court records, please visit the
District Court Records Center.
What are the court filing fees?
Please view our
Fees tab.
How do I collect a civil judgment from the debtor?
Even if you win a judgment in court, it is not always easy to get paid. The parties can make an agreement about paying the judgment, including making payments or settling on a lower amount to satisfy the judgment. Once the judgment is paid in full or to the creditor's satisfaction, then the creditor completes a
Satisfaction of Judgment form. One of the parties files that form with the court so the court records show the judgment was paid. If the creditor does not cooperate in signing a Satisfaction of Judgment form, the debtor can file a Motion to Satisfy Judgment form.
If the debtor does not pay the creditor after the judgment has been "docketed" in District Court and the time to appeal has expired, the creditor may take steps to enforce the judgment. The
court is not a collection agency and cannot help you locate assets of the other party. Garnishment of a debtor's wages or bank accounts may be an option to enforce a judgment, and another option might be to file a lien against real estate owned by the debtor.
Talk to a lawyer to get advice on options to collect on a judgment.
Enforcing a judgment may involve additional fees. These fees may be added to the original judgment by filing an
Affidavit of Increased Costs form with the court and can be collected if the debtor's assets can be found.
How do I enforce a civil judgment when the debtor won't pay me?
Please go to the
Judgments Help Topic to learn the options and procedures for enforcing a civil judgment.
How long does a judgment last?
A judgment can be enforced for ten (10) years from the date it was entered. It can also be "renewed" if not satisfied (paid) within the 10 years. To enforce a judgment that was not paid during the 10 year time frame, you have to start a new lawsuit before the end of the 10 year period, based on a claim for failure to pay a judgment. See
Minn. Stat. § 541.04 A lawsuit is started by serving a Summons and Complaint on the judgment debtor. You should
talk to a lawyer to get advice on how to prepare the papers and handle the case.
Court staff cannot give legal advice.
How can I get a copy of my credit report? Is there a way to fix an error on a report?
Credit Report Legal Fact Sheet explains how to get a copy of your credit report and correct errors that may appear on it. It also includes contact information on credit bureaus and a sample copy request form.
Learn more about
Debt Collection, Judgments & Consumer Law on
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