Hennepin County Jury Service

Hennepin County District Court »

Phone: (612) 540-7436


Beware of Jury Scams

Please be aware that if you miss jury service the court will never ask a law enforcement officer to do the following over the phone:

  • collect a fine from you,
  • collect personal information,
  • or serve a warrant 
Scammers are spoofing law enforcement phone numbers, so if you are unsure, hang up and call the law enforcement agency directly.

If you receive a suspicious phone call of this nature, hang up, and promptly report the call your local Sheriff's Office.

Information about jury scams »

Welcome Hennepin County Jurors

As citizens, we all enjoy the rights of due process and the right to a trial before a jury of our peers. Your service as a juror makes this possible. Thank you for your service!

Browse the tabs on this page for information about serving as a juror in Hennepin County. For FAQs, trial experience and general information, visit the Statewide Jury Service Information page.

For your convenience, we encourage you to use all of our online communication tools to stay in touch with the Jury Office.
Please only come to the Government Center for Jury Service if your group number has been called for service.  If you are called in for service, please bring your summons.
You must still complete your Juror Qualification Questionnaire according to the instructions on your summons. We thank you in advance for completing your Qualification Questionnaire on line if you are able. We also recommend signing up for electronic communications in the Qualification Questionnaire.

Download the free My Minnesota Juror mobile app for information about direction, jury services and court safety.

Further information can be found on the Juror Call-in Status tab of this site as well as the State Juror Web page.


COVID-19 Updates:

Jurors who experience symptoms of an illness (unrelated to chronic conditions) within 48 hours before serving as a juror should call court administration. 
Symptoms of illness include: 
  • fever or chills, 
  • cough, 
  • shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, 
  • fatigue, 
  • muscle or body aches, 
  • headache, 
  • sore throat, 
  • congestion or runny nose, 
  • nausea or vomiting, or
  • diarrhea 
Face coverings are not required in court facilities. However, individuals who prefer to wear a face covering may do so.
Responding for jury duty? Watch a video (5:08 minutes) to help you prepare.


Petit Jurors

Most people who receive a jury summons serve as petit jurors. Petit jurors serve on jury panels in both civil and criminal cases. Petit jurors listen to the evidence offered during a trial and return a verdict. A verdict in a civil case may be a finding for the plaintiff or for the defendant. A verdict in a criminal case finds the defendant guilty or not guilty.

Grand Jurors

People summoned to serve as grand jurors consider evidence the State has gathered before a trial in a criminal case. They make decisions about whether enough evidence exists for the State to move forward with the charges and prosecute the defendant.

Juror Pay

Petit and grand jurors are compensated for jury service at a rate determined by the Supreme Court for the days they are present, plus round-trip mileage from juror's residence to the Government Center.

Petit Jurors, upon completion of their jury service, should receive their check in the mail approximately one week later.

Grand Jurors should receive their check in the mail approximately one week after each week they are in session during their four month term.

Petit Juror

If you are summoned to serve as a Petit Juror, you may postpone your service for up to nine months. To postpone your service, you must do one of the following before your summons date:
  • Call the Jury Office at (612) 540-7436;
  • Send your request in writing; or
  • When you complete the online Jury Questionnaire, you may request to postpone your service online at that time.

Grand Juror

If you are summoned to serve as a Grand Juror, you may not postpone your service date. You must complete the paper Juror Questionnaire that you received in the mail and return it in the pre-paid envelope. If you have questions, please call the Jury Office at (612) 540-7436.

In Hennepin County, the Grand Jurors usually meet each Thursday at 8:45 a.m. over a four-month period. The schedule varies; sometimes, your session may be completed in half a day, and other times you could be required to appear two days in the same week.

Please only come to the Hennepin County Government Center for Jury Service if your group number has been called for service.  If you are called in for service, please bring your summons.

All Jurors:
  • Prepare for Jury Service: Arrange your schedule (e.g., work, childcare, etc.) so that you are available to go to court (if needed) on each business day during your two-week service period.  However, you will only report to the Jury Office once your group number has been instructed to do so.  Additionally, you will be paid for days that you come to the courthouse as directed.
  • Complete your questionnaires:
  • Day before your service start date: You must call the Message Line or click the Juror Reporting Information tab on our website on the Sunday evening before your service start date to see if you need to report to the courthouse in the morning for orientation on the first day of your service (usually a Monday).
  • Day of your service start date: If your Group Number does not have to report in on the first morning of your service start date, you must call the Message Line or click the Juror Reporting Information tab on our website at or after 12:15 p.m. that day to see if you need to report at 1:30 p.m. that same day.  Do not check before 12:15 p.m. as the message is not updated until that time, or could be modified.
  • Evening of your service start date:  If your Group Number does not have to report for service on your service start date, then you must call the Message Line or click the Juror Reporting Information tab on our website at or after 6:30 p.m. on your service start date to see if you have to report at 8:15 a.m. the next morning.
  • Each day thereafter:  You must continue to call the Message Line or click the Juror Reporting Information tab on our website two times each day (at or after 12:15 p.m. and at or after 6:30 p.m.) for your two-week service term, or as instructed for your Group number via the Message Line or Juror Reporting Information tab.
  • Report for Jury Service:  Once jurors are called in to report, they will continue to physically report to the Government Center each day for jury service until they are informed otherwise by the Jury Office staff, judicial staff, or judge.

Questions? Call the Jury Office at (612) 540-7436.

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This is the status update for on-call jurors Tuesday, March 25th, at 6:30 p.m.

Please read this message all the way to the end. 
No jurors on-call will need to report tomorrow, Wednesday, at 8:15 a.m.  

Please note:  do not check this message prior to the times listed above, as the message is subject to change up until those times.

If your group is not listed, please check for the next update, tomorrow, at/after 12:15 p.m. to see if your group is to report at 1:30 p.m. the same day.

Once jurors are called in to report, they will continue to physically report to the Government Center each day for jury service until they are informed otherwise by the Jury Office staff, judicial staff, or judge.

Continue to check the website at the appointed times until your group number is listed. If your group number was already called in for service, you no longer check this website.

On Thursday, the 12:15 update will end service for any groups that are at the end of their two-week service and have not been called in. 
Please note:  do not check this message prior to the times listed above, as the message is subject to change up until those times.

Picture of the Hennepin County Government Center

Hennepin Jury Office
Hennepin County Government Center
300 South 6th Street, Floor C-24
Jury Assembly Room
Minneapolis, MN 55487 Map »
Phone: (612) 540-7436


The Hennepin County Government Center is located in downtown Minneapolis at 300 South 6th Street (between 3rd Ave. S. and 4th Ave. S.) The building has two towers (C-Tower and A-Tower) that span across 6th Street. The north side of the building faces 5th Street and the Government Plaza transit station. There is a public entrance on that side of the building. The south side of the building faces 7th Street and there is also a tree-lined plaza and public entrance to the building.

People can also enter the Government Center from the skyway (2nd floor), which is called the Skyway Level. If you enter the building from the street level, take the escalator up one level to the skyway level. There is a fountain, cafe, and Information Desk on that level.

Follow the signs for Courts on the skyway level, which will lead you into the C-Tower. Continue on weapon screening. Please allow extra time to go through weapon screening. Elevators are located just past weapon screening. Take an elevator to the 24th floor and follow the signs for Jury Assembly Room.

Metro Transit  offers a complimentary roundtrip transit pass for jurors who report for jury service.
Disclaimer:  Metro Transit requires that jurors who wish to use the complimentary pass must use the Metro Transit App. Downloading the Metro Transit App and use of the complimentary transit pass is entirely voluntary. Jurors who choose to download the Metro Transit App and use the transit pass do so at their own risk.

Instructions for the user:
1. Download the Metro Transit App from the Apple App Store or Google Play
2. Create a new account, or log in if you already have a Metro Transit account
3. Go to https://www.tokentransit.com/metrotransitmn/jury-duty. On this page, enter the same email address that you used for your Metro Transit account (this is very important, if the email addresses don’t match, it will not work). Enter the promo code: MJBjury
4. A confirmation page will display and an email will also be sent to you (may take up to 30 minutes). On your phone, click the link on the confirmation page or click the "Redeem Now" button from the confirmation email. This will open a web page where you can enter the redemption code provided into the Metro Transit app under the “Redeem Code” option in the menu. The code is not case specific and the dash can be entered or omitted; it still works. When prompted to choose where your fares get added (see image below), we recommend you choose the Metro Transit app (that you downloaded in the first step). You will then receive 2x tickets for Metro Transit Bus/METRO Express Rush Hour service, valid for use in both Rush and Non-Rush Hour.
TIP: open the confirmation email from your phone to complete the process. Once you enter the redemption code and select the Metro Transit app, the tickets will be loaded into the Metro Transit app on your device.
Please note: This promotion is only valid one time per user. Jurors should not activate any tickets until they are ready to ride.

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